Sober Drink & Draw!!! Saturday, December 14th, 2-4pm!!!
Waid/Ross - Kingdom Come - SC
X-Verse: Wolverine - SC
Moore/Various - Saga of the Swamp Thing (Book 1) - TPB
Higgins/Costa - Radiant Black v1: (Not So) Secret Origin [Massive-verse] - TPB
Parrott/Abel - Rogue Sun v1: Cataclysm [Massive-verse] - TPB
Miller/Sienkiewicz - Elektra: Assassin - SC
King/Smallwood - The Human Target v2 - HC
King/Smallwood - The Human Target v1 - HC
Tynion IV/March - The Joker v2 - HC
Neil Gaiman/Various - the Sandman, book 3 - SC
Steven McArdle - CrowBar 9 - comic book
Neil Gaiman/Various - the Sandman, book 4 - SC
Jemisin/Campbell - Far Sector (Compact Edition) - SC
Azzarello/Bermejo - Joker (Compact Edition) - SC
Snyder/Capullo - Batman: The Court of Owls Saga (Compact Edition) - SC
Snyder/Albuquerque - American Vampire: Book One (Compact Edition) - SC
Moore/Gibbons - Watchmen (Compact Edition) - SC
Frank Miller - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (30th Anniv. Ed.) - TPB
Kirkman/Walker - Invincible vol 3 (Digest Format) - SC
Seeley/Fleecs - Local Man (2) - TPB
Gaiman/Buckingham - Miracleman: The Silver Age - TPB
Marc Silvestri - The Complete Cyber Force v1 - SC
Wilson/Alphona/Herring - Ms Marvel: No Normal - TPB