Godzilla vs Chicago Show. This Friday!!!! Feb 28th.
(Out-of-Print) Icon: Frank Frazetta, A Retrospective... - HC
(Back Issue) Ultimate Armor Wars, #1-4 bundle (w/ variant 1C cover) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Batman #97 (cover C variant) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Batman #98 (cover C variant) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Batman: Three Jokers, book three (Cover C variant) - Comic Book
(Out-of-Print) Showcase presents: Batman v5 - SC
(Out-of-Print) Showcase presents: Brave and the Bold Batman Team-ups v2 - TPB
(Out-of-Print) Morrison/Stewart - SeaGuy - TPB
(Out-of-Print) The Comics Journal, special ed, Winter 2002 v1 - SC
(Out-of-Print) Drake/Starr - Kelly Green 3: The Million Dollar Hit - SC
(Out-of-Print) Portela/Pastoras - Deicide #1: Path of the Dead - SC
(Out-of-Print) Moore/Massafera - Light of Thy Countenance (2009 Con ed) - TPB
(Out-of-Print) - Rick Veitch - The One - TPB
(Out-of-Print) - Doctor Solar: Man of the Atom, vol 4 - SC
(Out-of-Print) - Doctor Solar: Man of the Atom, vol 1 - SC
(Back Issue) The People's Comics, Kitchen Sink 25th Anniversary Classic - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Black Dominion #2 - Comic Book
(Out-of-Print) Hiroshi Aro - Futaba-Kun Changed: A Whole New You (vol 1) - SC
(Back Issue) War of Rings Saga (Promo 2009) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Blackest Night #0 (Free Comic Book Day 2009) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Junk Comix (one shot) 1971 (Reader Copy) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Enigma #8 (Vertigo) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Enigma #7 (Vertigo) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Enigma #6 (Vertigo) - Comic Book