Sober Drink & Draw!!! Saturday, December 14th, 2-4pm!!!
(Back Issue) Piskor - X-men Grand Design: X-tinction #1c-2b (Full set bundle) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Prime Cuts #1 - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Ranma 1/2, part 2 #5 - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Ranma 1/2, part 3 #5 - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Rasl #8 - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Ray Finch's Turned On Cuties (one shot) 1972 (Reader Copy) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Rugg - Hulk Grand Design #1B-2 (Full set bundle) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Schizo #2 - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Scioli - Fantastic Four Grand Design #1-2 (Full set bundle) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Scioli - Fantastic Four Grand Design #1C-2 (Full set bundle) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Seeley/Fleecs - Local Man #1 (Signed) - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Seven to Eternity #1 frist printing - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Seven to Eternity #2 frist printing - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Seven to Eternity #3 frist printing - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Seven to Eternity #4 frist printing - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Silver City #1-5 (full set bundle) - comic books
(Back Issue) Sin City: A Dame to Kill For #2 - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Snarf #10 - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Sock Monkey vol 3 #2 - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Southern Cross v1 #1-6 (full set bundle) - comic books
(Back Issue) Star Reach #10 - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Star Reach #4 - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Star Reach #5 - Comic Book
(Back Issue) Star Reach #6 - Comic Book