Sober Drink & Draw!!! Saturday, December 14th, 2-4pm!!!
Buronson/Hara - Fist of the North Star v14 - HC
Toriyama/Toyotarou - Dragon Ball Super v5 - SC
Lawrence/Longaron - Friday Foster, The Sunday Strips - HC
Jodorowsky/Boucq - Bouncer - HC
CLAMP - Tokyo Babylon v1 - SC
Kei Urana - Gachiakuta v3 - SC
Taiyo Matsumoto - Ping Pong #2 - SC
Juan Gimenez - The Fourth Power - HC
Miller/Darrow - Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot - HC
Kirkman/Walker - Invincible vol 5 (Digest Format) - SC
One/Murata - One Punch Man v18 - SC
One/Murata - One Punch Man v17 - SC
Kirkman/Adlard - The Walking Dead, Compendium One - SC
Negi Haruba - Go Go Loser Ranger v11 - SC
Nihei/Takemoto - Kaina of the Great Snow Sea v2 - SC
Rodolphe/Leo - Amazonia, episode 1 - SC
Kay Rwizi - Mutupo v1 - SC
Cassegrain/Duval/Bussi - Don't Let Go - HC
Siegel/Bunn - The Syndicate of Crime: vs the Crime Genie - SC
Jacobs/Scheidt/Matthews - Time Traveler Tales - SC
Bellaire/Ganucheau - Wonder Woman: The Adventures of Young Diana - SC
Kirkman/Walker - Invincible vol 4 (Digest Format) - SC
Avatar: The Search, Omnibus - SC
CLAMP - Tokyo Babylon v2 - SC